Monday, July 6, 2009
2009 Spirit Recovery Weekends
JULY 10 & 11
Jeremy Pajer & Jean Marie Guthery
This workshop is designed to help you create the life you really want. Learn to dream big and without limits. Including a meditative labyrinth walk, Vision Boards, and learning to let go of whatever blocks participants can identify that stand between them and the life they want to create for themselves. Participants will conclude the workshop with a renewed sense of direction, vision and purpose.
JULY 17 & 18
Andrew Krichels
Our bodies are encyclopedias full of knowledge; we simply need to learn to look and listen. Throughout this extraordinary weekend, will explore centering, balance, relationship and collaboration through movement. In a non-judgmental, open style, through movement and stillness, we will download what are bodies are trying to tell us about working through resistance to recovery and taking the next right step.
AUGUST 21 & 22
Lee McCormick
Changing your life in the awakened state requires a dedicated strength of will. In order to change, you need to pull yourself out of your own dream, and develop an outside point of view. Developing this “outside of the fishbowl” awareness is the minimal chance to create a new way of experiencing your life. With awareness, transformation can begin. Using ancient Toltec wisdom combined with contemporary common sense, we will explore ideas such as how the mind works, the way we are domesticated, and tools for living in a new dream. We will also have an opportunity to experience our transcendental nature through ritual, vision questing and guided meditations. We invite you to join us for this extraordinary opportunity to discover the Toltec way to personal freedom, and the creation of the dream of heaven on earth.
The Ranch and Magnolia Creek will host Mary Bellofatto.
Dede Beasley HORSE CAMP
In every adult horse lover there is still the kid who wants to know everything about horses. Horse Camp provides a mini-intensive for those who want to learn about subjects such as horse breeds, color and markings, different levels of care, the roles of veterinarian and farrier, purchasing a horse and other areas of basic equestrian knowledge. The workshop will also include basics of natural horsemanship. Clients will have an opportunity to do some actual round pen work.
OCTOBER 9 & 10
Dawn Zurlinden, LOVING IT ALL
The path to freedom from suffering involves the point of view we develop about events and circumstances, as well as what we create for ourselves in our lives. Our relationships with others, with a higher power, and mostly with ourselves immediately reflect to us where we are and are not loving, and where we are suffering. In this weekend “playshop”, we will draw from varied spiritual traditions, with an emphasis on Toltec philosophy. We will learn dynamic tools to get to the inner loving beings that we really are, discovering that we really can love it all.
NOVEMBER 20 & 21
Lee McCormick
Changing your life in the awakened state requires a dedicated strength of will. In order to change, you need to pull yourself out of your own dream, and develop an outside point of view. Developing this “outside of the fishbowl” awareness is the minimal chance to create a new way of experiencing your life. With awareness, transformation can begin. Using ancient Toltec wisdom combined with contemporary common sense, we will explore ideas such as how the mind works, the way we are domesticated, and tools for living in a new dream. We will also have an opportunity to experience our transcendental nature through ritual, vision questing and guided meditations. We invite you to join us for this extraordinary opportunity to discover the Toltec way to personal freedom, and the creation of the dream of heaven on earth.
DECEMBER 11 & 12
Jeremy Pajer & Brooke Kalan
Do you often find yourself wanting to break free of the Life you’ve created but do not know where to begin? Over the course of their workshop, Brooke and Jeremy will guide you on a journey of transformation. The journey will begin with you. They will invite you to take a close look at your beliefs and agreements and to uncover the messages inherent in the world that you live in. They will invite you to unlock your true potential and to unveil your True Self. You can re-create your life according to what you really want. Using the transformative tools they present, you can re-claim your birthright: boundless joy, personal freedom and unconditional love.
Please continue to check our website regularly for upcoming special events and to preview media interviews and articles.